Category: Walking with Demons

The Sacred Path of Demonosophy

What does it mean to be respectful?

Respect… it is a very important thing when working with demons. Demons are individual…  Demonosopy path we recognize that each demon is unique, just like each god on other pantheons is unique.  They all have their own likes and dislikes, we honour that, we don’t try to use them to justify our habits and behaviours…
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Working with Demons through Respect

What does it mean to work with demons from a place of respect? This is a question that I have been asked many times. Well the answer to that question is, on the Demonosopy path we recognize that each demon is unique, just like each god on other pantheons is unique. Demons are a very…
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Connecting with Demons

Methods for Connecting with Demons

Over the years I have found that one of the most effective ways to connect and work with demons is just through honouring them and inviting them to join me. Some people think this is an easy lazy way, but it isn’t. It is not a cake walk! This is because my focus is not…
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