Intro to Demonosophy

The Sacred Path of Demonosophy

Intro to Demonosophy

Before we get into Demonosophy, let us answer the question of: What are Demons?

A Demon is a being with a specific type of dark energy. They are not the supposed “evil beings” that media and some religions stigmatize them as, as dark does not equal evil. They are Dark, Divine beings of incredible complexity and wisdom. Demons are the Darkness of Divinity, and they are the empowered Darkness who bring wisdom and core empowerment. They are a group of spiritual beings composed of demonic energy, which is the energy that contains the core vibration of what constitutes a demon. Only demons have demonic energy within them. This energy touches the darkness of the spiritual world and is connected to aspects like the Dark Divine, the Void, and the Abyss. Demons are a powerful group of Dark Deities. 

What is Demonosophy? 

Demonosophy, literally “Demon wisdom,” is the practice of learning knowledge and wisdom from the Demons and Dark Lords, and working with Companion Demons and Dark Lords to lead an inspired and empowered life. 

There are many Demons out there. Thousands are undiscovered, and many enjoy helping humans and guiding us as Demon Companions. We reach out to them. Demonosophers seek deep wisdom about Demons, and are open to the wisdom that Demons have to offer us. 

It is a path walking with Demons, and a path of self-discovery and empowerment. It is a path for those who seek balance, purpose, and power in their life by walking and working with Darkness and Demons.

Demonosophy is a Dark Spiritual Path for spiritual and personal growth and empowerment. Currently, most spiritual paths are aligned with the light and operate on the notion that you must eliminate Darkness from your life to find enlightenment.  As one who has always walked with demons, this did not sit well with me.  

Darkness is beautiful, it is powerful, it is empowerment and within Darkness you find wisdom and love.  That is my path with demons and that is my path with Darkness.  This is not a path of edgelords trying to one up each other to prove who is more powerful.  It is a path of personal empowerment and growth walking with beings of Sublime Dark Divinity. 

Who created Demonosophy?

It is a path that has been created and crafted by our Coven to outline paths to empowerment through darkness, walking with demons and demon companions. 

What are the benefits of Demonosophy?

Demonosophy is a Journey to find the place that one calls home, connect to truth, connect their companions, demons, and guides, and live an empowered and amazing life in this physical plane.

Demonosophy, at its core, is a spiritual philosophy that believes everyone walks their own individual path, all spiritual paths are sacred and hold great truths, and that spirituality is a personal journey where one should seek to uncover their truth, the path that they are meant to walk.

Demonosophy is a Path that is open to everyone. You do not have to be from a special family or have an ancient lineage to walk it.  It is a path for those who are called to it.

Demons are our home, and finding them is a return to a truth that we had once forgotten.  We love them and love learning from them and having their amazing energies inspire our lives.

Who is Demonosophy for?

Demonosophy is not to be pursued on a whim. It is not for people who make choices for the sake of fashion, or status, and really have no passion besides striving to be accepted by others. If you are choosing your spiritual path just to get attention from others, you need to pause, look at yourself in the mirror, and question if it is right for you. 

Demonosophy is for people who have genuinely searched and feel that deep resonance with demons. Most of us who have found our home with Demons know exactly what I am talking about – that moment where you see it, your personal path. And at that junction, all other paths melt away and you can just walk forward, knowing where you belong. For me, Demonosophy is that path. It is my home. It is where I find sanctuary and peace, and no one has the right to tell me I cannot practice it. 

I know many of you have said your calling with Demons predates your discovery of an official path. There were clues to your calling early on in your life. Maybe it was that story you wrote where Satan was the hero; or that time you expressed a deep sympathy for Lucifer, horrifying your religious family; that world you use to fantasize about where Demons were rulers and bearers of magic; or that imaginary friend who was a Demon. Perhaps that was your soul telling you what it needs, and where it is from.  Your soul telling you your home is on a path with demons.  

What are some of the Paths of Demonosophy?

One of the beautiful things about Demonosophy is that your own path will be defined how you want it to. Some of the paths you may take include walking with companions, improving your connection with Demon Companions, seeking council and wisdom with the Demonic Divine, learning to handle malicious entities, embracing and enhancing your psychic senses, mastering astral travel, learning the power of energetic healing, bringing abundance into your life with manifestation, learning to live your most empowered and healthy lifestyle, changing to a positive mindset, learning the tools used in Demonosophy, and understanding dreamwork.

What are the types of Demonosophy?

Philosophical Demonosophy

We, as Demonosophers, believe that the spiritual world is big enough for everyone and that everyone walks their own path in the grand spectrum of existence. To practise philosophical demonosophy is to approach it as a philosophy; various elements of demonosophy might appeal to you and might speak to you, so you utilize those components in your own path. You walk as a Philosophical Demonosopher, appreciating and understanding the basic elements of Demonosophy and incorporating foundational elements into your spiritual practice. You don’t have to subscribe to the whole path of Demonosophy, but you can take what calls to you and incorporate it into your own practice and your own work with Demons. 

Practical Demonosophy

Demonosophy is not a path that is meant to confine you and entrap you. It is meant to help you here live the life of your dreams and live with truth and empowerment. Practical Demonosophy is a path where you walk with demons and demon companions to bring balance, empowerment and alignment to your life and to the world around you. You seek guidance and wisdom through walking with your companions and integrate the mystical and magickal aspects into your mundane life to add a sense of wonder and empowerment to this journey. To be a practical Demonosopher you can incorporate aspects of Demonmosopny into your life in a way that makes sense for you. It should not be a chore or a burden; it should be a delight and something that you look forward to. 

Devotional Demonosophy

Devotional Demonosophy means that you are 100% called to the path and want to embrace the ritualistic and sacred elements of what it means to be a Demonosopher; you walk in alignment with the values of the path and walk with demons in calibration with the core aspects of the Demonic Divine. Devotional Demonosophers are empowered by the Demons and pursue a higher calling of healthy living and service to the Demons and the awakening and evolution of the Dark Spiritual Paths. They seek to act to bring forth the energies of Darkness to this world in accordance with the values and morals of Demonosophy in a way that inspires, empowers, and raises the Dark Consciousness of Humanity. 

What are some of the core principles of Demonosophy?

Empowerment. Demonosophers are inspired by Demons and The Demonic Divine. We are called to darkness and called to the beautiful and enigmatic energies of the Demonic. We walk with Demons to better ourselves and to live empowered lives on this physical plane while being inspired by the spiritual world. We learn from the Dark Lords and our Demon Companions and seek out our individual and personal truth.  We are drawn towards demons and feel the deep connection with them within our soul.  

Respect. Demonosophers walk with demons from a respectful place. We invite them into our lives as companions and seek to learn from them, as mentors and guides, as family, as friends – even as lovers. We walk with demons to learn their wisdom! We show our respect and appreciation for them with gratitude for their guidance. Respect is not submission or servitude; it is wise and constructive, and shows that you also respect yourself. When you have self-respect and self-love you are walking from an empowered place, and just as you honor the Dark Lords, you honor yourself.

Truth. Demonosophers see Demons as they are, as Dark Divine beings of incredible complexity and wisdom. They are part of the dark side of Divinity. Demons are not as they are usually portrayed in the movies and tv, or in Christian discussion. Their purpose is not to possess, torment and test the faith of the living; they seek to empower and inspire us! They are messengers of the Dark Divine and can help us through their wisdom.

Balance. Demonosophers walk in the darkness. We understand the nature of the shadow-self, and know the dangers of an inflated ego. We work to stay balanced and grounded. These are essential skills for walking a dark path. We work to find our personal balance of light and dark and honor ourselves wholly.

Acceptance. Demonosophers realize that not everyone is meant to have the same spiritual practice, and we respect spiritual paths that are not our own. There is no one correct doctrine or practice or set of gods that everyone must follow to be spiritual. As we walk our paths with respect, we also respect the paths of others. Though we understand respect is a two-way street and just as we respect the beliefs of others, we expect our beliefs to be respected as well. It is okay to disagree! But it is not okay to disrespect.

Growth. Demonosophers don’t knock down others. We do not attack others because they do not believe what we believe, and we are not out to convert anyone. Our path is our own, and we only need ourselves to feel empowered. We compete with ourselves and strive to grow and empower ourselves, awakening and accessing our truth and living in authenticity working to grow our authentic selves. We are dynamic beings. We don’t stagnate, and we work to grow and better ourselves.

Individuality. Demonosophers understand that this path will be different for everyone. If something we are doing doesn’t feel right, we can change it. Ritual words are customized to the individual, and what works for one person might not work for another. As Demonosophers, we follow our personal inspiration to help us connect to demons in a way that resonates with us as individuals. Not everyone connects the same way because we all have different minds and abilities. While the higher levels such as Priestesship and Devotional Aspects of Demonosophy require initiation, anyone can practice philosophical or practical demonosophy and can refer to themselves as a Demonosopher. 

If you are called to the Path of Demonosophy and want to Level up your life with Demons, we invite you to come Join our Inner Sanctuary, where we give practical tips and tricks for connecting with Demons and offering training in psychic development and walking with demons to Live the Life of your Dreams.


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